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New dosing unit DAV - 3 MISTRAL


We would like to introduce our newly developed dosing unit DAV - 3 MISTRAL:

Dosing unit is mainly suited for dosing seeds and granulated fertilizer in pneumatic seed drills. It is intended for seeding of dense types of seeds, as wheat, barley, maize, peas, rice, grass, oilseed rape, etc., due to easy exchange of sowing rollers. The setting of appropriate dose depends on the use of suitable roller and setting of its rotation speed. Dosing unit DAV-3 MISTRAL works on the basis of continuous mechanical change of operating speed or electromotive speed control system. Presumption for using DAV-3

MISTRAL is to have following types of drive:

  1. Mechanical drive with suitable variator
  2. Electric drive and GPS (Electric drive is possible to arrange from different well-known suppliers)

This dosing unit is able to substitute existing dosing units type Mistral or Kverneland Accord. The connection to the hopper and drive is also compatible.

Qualities of DAV - 3 MISTRAL are following :


  • Smaller size Easier installation and fitting into your machines.
  • Variability of inner roller according to client‘s needs Possibility to add new rollers in the future for sowing new kinds of seeds.
  • Longer lifetime Star cylinder works permanently with the whole volume, this way it prolongs lifespan.
  • Possibility to combine with electric drive and GPS With electromotoric drive, there is no need for mechanical drive wheel, neither for the device for transtion of mechanical movement to the dosing unit. Speed is given from GPS or radar.
  • Drive through the variator By this system it is possible to change the sequential type of seed distribution to smooth regulation of distribution.

Please contact us for more information at

AGROFINAL, spol. s.r.o., Mierová 24, 920 01 Hlohovec, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-33-7302 559